A Bodyshop VIP Evening!

Tonight I was lucky enough to attend the Bodyshop’s VIP evening to celebrate the launch of some of their newest additions to their Drops of Youth range. I believe that these events may also be happening in other stores around the country so I thought I’d let you all know what to expect in case you want to try and get yourself on the list to attend!

Upon arrival we were all greeted with drinks and nibbles and were allowed to wander round the store to have a look at all the products both new and old. I was driving so sadly only had an orange juice but my friend Fee (Hello if you’re reading!!) was lucky enough to have some fizz!

We were able to chat one-on-one with the consultants and there was also a special member of the team there to give us a talk about the new range which was really nice. I didn’t really know too much about the Drops of Youth range, so hearing more about the different products and their benefits was very interesting! There were two products that really caught my eye and they were the Wonderblur and the Bouncing Sleep Mask. The wonderblur reminds me a little bit of the Instablur primer but it’s even more smoothing! The sleep mask has an AMAZING texture, I could see myself poking at it for hours!! It is a mask that you put on every night like a night cream. Unfortunately, being the student I am, these were a little out of my price range today so I didn’t pick them up but they’ve been added to my wishlist!

My favourite part of the evening was the demonstration one of the lovely girls gave me. She showed me the Himalayan Charcoal Mud Mask and the salt scrub from the Spa of the World range. If you haven’t tried this range, it is the Bodyshops higher end, more spa-like range that has essential oils in that smell incredible! She showed me how to use them on my arms and finished off with the Hawaiian Kukui cream which smelled divine!

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I obviously didn’t leave empty handed… Naughty Molly! So what did I buy? I really liked the Himalayan Mud Mask as it is for your body rather than your face so I can use it on my back which is a bit of a problem area for me. The mask claims to be purifying so I am hoping it will help me clear up some of those pesky spots on my shoulders and back! I used it tonight when I got home and I do love the scent! It is a little messy as it is a clay mask but I am hoping the benefits will outweigh that negative! I will keep you updated on the results!

The final thing I bought was the Honey & Oat 3-in-1 Moisturising Scrub Mask. I love a good face mask and the idea of a mask being both exfoliating and moisturising ticked all the boxes for me! And, in typical Body Shop fashion, it smelled incredible! I also used this tonight and was really happy with the results! I wouldn’t call it very ‘scrubby’ but once you’ve got past the ‘I look like I have porridge on my face’ stage then it really is a lovely mask! My face wasn’t dry at all when I took it off and felt plump and fresh.

As a thank you for attending, we all got a goodie bag and I was SERIOUSLY happy with the goodies inside! If you have read this blog from the start, then you are probably aware that the body shop Chamomile Cleansing Butter is my favourite cleanser of all time. I have used up both the butter and the oil versions over the last year but never in a million years did I expect to find BOTH of these in the goodie bag! I used the butter again tonight and I am so happy to have it back in my regime as it really is second to none. Yes, even to the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish!! The final two things were a muslin cloth, which can never ever go amiss and the Chamomile Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. I have never tried this before but I was literally just about to buy an eye makeup remover so I am really pleased! They all came in the body shop’s Feel Unique tote bag which is adorable! This means the bag had a value of £40.50! You got this regardless of whether you bought anything or not which was brilliant and very generous!

I am so happy with all my goodies from tonights event and there was even the added bonus of 30% off all existing products and 10% off new ranges which made my purchases even more of a bargain! Have you attended one of these events before or tried any of these products? Let me know what you think!

Much Love


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