Worth The Hype? – The Original Beauty Blender

IMG_0384.jpgI’ve never really been one for beauty sponges but the lure of the Beauty Blender has been going on way way too long for me now and I decided it was about time to take the plunge. The money has always been the main thing that put me off but when I found a seller on eBay selling one a lot cheaper, I finally managed to pick one up for a reasonable price.

On first inspection, the Beauty Blender appears quite insignificant and quite similar to every other sponge out there however, the texture is actually quite different, with more of a porous, memory foam like texture compared to the usual smoothed sponges that you can pick up in Boots. The classic egg shape is also actually pretty ingenious as the tapered end allows you to blend in your concealer and foundation around your nose but I was still pretty sceptical as to how well it would work.

So, for the Beauty Blender to work, you soak it in water and then towel dry it off so it is slightly damp. I was surprised to see that it nearly doubled in size after this and the texture became even more ‘spongy’. I decided the best way to test this out was to use my favourite foundation at the moment as I am already happy with the formula and finish but wanted to see if the application could be smoother. I used the Rimmel Match Perfection foundation as this is my go-to at the moment, even over my pricier foundations and I know the formula is a good one and works well with my skin.

I decided to solely use this to apply my foundation rather than use this to blend at the end and found it a lot easier than I had originally imagined. You have to kind of ‘bounce’ the sponge across the skin to try and blend the foundation into the skin rather than buffing or smearing like normal. I actually really enjoyed using this and, although it took a little longer than normal, it was reasonably quick. The effect of using this sponge was actually incredibly seamless and my skin looked smoother and more flawless than normal, which to be honest, doesn’t take much!! I was surprised to see how dewy my skin looked and just generally more healthy, I couldn’t believe that a sponge made this much difference but to me it really did.IMG_0385

Overall, I am really happy with the Beauty Blender and I can totally see what all the fuss has been about! Although I 100% agree with the hype, I don’t agree with the normal price! I managed to pick this up for half the price and that is definitely my limit, after all, it is just a sponge!! This is going to be my go-to foundation applier for the next few weeks as I was so happy with the result. I think the interesting part is going to come when I have to try and wash it!! Have you tried the Beauty Blender? Do you agree that it’s worth the hype? How do you wash it?

Much Love


22 thoughts on “Worth The Hype? – The Original Beauty Blender

  1. I haven’t tried this one before but I do adore my Real Techniques sponge. Do you think this one is much better than that one?


  2. I never tried the Beauty Blender. Just dupes for it (Miracle Complexion Sponge from Real Techniques and one from Ebelin). I think the price is just too much, but maybe I’ll try to buy it from eBay.
    Anyway, I think both of the sponges I have perform beautifully and they’re soooo much cheaper (the one from Ebelin is 2 Euros).
    Plus I don’t like to pay 20 Euros and then throw out the sponge after 6-9 months.

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    1. No it is really expensive, I don’t think I could ever have justified paying full price!! I think I need to try some dupes, particularly the RT one as everyone has commented saying they are good, if not just as good! Thanks for commenting 🙂 xx

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  3. I finally bought this thinking it would be amazing but I found that it wasn’t any different to my real techniques sponge, it’s nice to have but if it broke or got lost I wouldn’t rush to buy a new one. I didn’t see a major difference in the 2 sponges.

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  4. I’ve tried a few different variations including the RT complexion sponge and for me the Beauty Blender wins hands down. It’s texture is really different to the other sponges I’ve tried. I wash mine using baby shampoo and my Makeup Revolution brush cleaning tool!
    Lucie xo | lucieleannexo.wordpress.com

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