Makeup Masterclass |Tackling Glitter with Cabella

A few weeks ago I was invited to a makeup masterclass at Cabella in Nottingham specialising on glitter smoky eyes and contouring. I adore glitter and, having a rather round face, I should learn to love contouring too, so I jumped at the chance to see what they could show me! They were kind enoughContinue reading “Makeup Masterclass |Tackling Glitter with Cabella”


Now I am an absolute glitter lover and nothing can ever change that! So last week I decided to have a play around with my new Violet Voss Glitters from my beauty bay  and come up with something that allowed my inner sparkly princes to shine through…literally. Coppertini was calling to me that day so beContinue reading “FOTD: GLITTER!”

A Little Beauty Bay Haul!

Today my Beauty Bay haul finally arrived and I couldn’t wait to share with you what I picked up! This is going to be the last makeup treat for a while as I’ve been spending loads this summer and need to reign it in a bit!! I only picked up a couple of things butContinue reading “A Little Beauty Bay Haul!”

Worth The Hype? – Urban Decay Moondust Palette!

The other week Lauren and I went to a ladies night at a local restaurant as it was sponsored by Urban Decay, Shiseido and Aveda. For £15 we got a pizza and a glass of bubbly and access to all the lovely beauty ladies advice. They also were very generous and if you spent £50Continue reading “Worth The Hype? – Urban Decay Moondust Palette!”