Worth The Hype? – Urban Decay Sin Highlighter

First of all, hi everyone, I’m writing this from the plane to San Francisco! I’ve got 11 hours to kill so of course blogging was going to be involved! I wanted to talk about something today that I’ve had in my collection for a while, but for some reason, I’ve never got round to bloggingContinue reading “Worth The Hype? – Urban Decay Sin Highlighter”

My Showcase| March Steals!

It’s been an exciting month here at The Rose Beauty Files and one of the things that has definitely contributed to that excitement is that I am now working with My Showcase as a Beauty Ambassador! My Showcase houses over 50 independent beauty retailers such as Neom, New CID and Magnitone to name but aContinue reading “My Showcase| March Steals!”

What I Got For My 22nd Birthday!

Last years ‘what I got for my birthday’ post was one of my most popular yet, so I decided to recreate it again this year as it was my birthday on the 9th October! I was clearly a very luck girl so there’s no bragging intended just some happiness sharing! I hope you enjoy andContinue reading “What I Got For My 22nd Birthday!”

High end vs High street Face Challenge!

Last week Lauren and I clubbed together all our favourite makeup goodies and decided to create a few looks to feature on the blog. We decided to do the high street vs high end challenge as we were both intrigued to see how similar we could make the looks. If you are a follower onContinue reading “High end vs High street Face Challenge!”

Worth The Hype? – Becca Opal Highlighter

So last month you might remember me picking up the Cult Beauty Most Wanted Beauty Box which included the infamous Becca Highlighter. I was able to pick which shade I fancied and despite being torn between Opal and Moonstone, I decided to opt for Opal as it was a slightly darker, more golden shade. I’mContinue reading “Worth The Hype? – Becca Opal Highlighter”

Cult Beauty’s Most Wanted Beauty Box! 

I don’t buy regular beauty boxes as I often see reviews each month and think that I’d be disappointed if I’d received that. For that reason I only tend to buy one off boxes when they really catch my eye and boy did this Cult Beauty box catch my eye! The idea behind it isContinue reading “Cult Beauty’s Most Wanted Beauty Box! “

Worth The Hype? – Sleek Solstice Highlighter Palette

So it’s getting to that stage in the revision cycle where I feel like I need a beauty related treat. However, I’m off to Italy next month so I can’t really spend very much money at all and I have even gone as far as to put myself on a bit of a spending ban.Continue reading “Worth The Hype? – Sleek Solstice Highlighter Palette”

Review: Bourjois Java Rice Powder

Hello Everybody! Sorry I’ve gone a bit AWOL the last few days, but I took a well-earned holiday up to see my grandparents in Yorkshire with Tom. We had a lovely long weekend and I feel thoroughly relaxed and I have enjoyed some quality time with some of the most important people in my life.Continue reading “Review: Bourjois Java Rice Powder”

Review: Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Bronze

Now I hope you don’t mind that you’ve had two reviews two days running but I have just been really enjoying writing them. I was at a bit of a loss as to what to write today, my revision brain is struggling to generate ideas, so when I saw my Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick onContinue reading “Review: Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Bronze”

The Best of: No7!

I may do a bit of a series over the next few weeks with my best products from various different brands, is that something you guys would be interested in reading? Even if this turns out to be just a one off, I thought I’d talk about my top 5 products from No7. I didn’tContinue reading “The Best of: No7!”