January Empties 2017!

How the actual hell is it February already?! This month has absolutely flown by and I’m now into my final semester at uni EVER! I checked me empties box this evening and I’m actually really impressed with how much is in there! There was a lot of shower gel, clearly I had to wash theContinue reading “January Empties 2017!”

Let’s Talk About Bases!

I am forever on the lookout for new foundations. It’s like the more I try, the more I want to try so I thought I would share with you my current stash to tell you about the hits and misses that I have found! The first category is lightweight bases and in my collection theseContinue reading “Let’s Talk About Bases!”

Worth The Hype? – Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation

This post has been a long time coming as I actually got this foundation back in October for my birthday (haul post here if you are interested) but I always got side tracked when it came to writing it! So here I am on a train to Milan, finally getting my act together to writeContinue reading “Worth The Hype? – Charlotte Tilbury Magic Foundation”