Blogger Secret Santa!

If you’re a regular reader you will probably know that there are three bloggers that I would consider my besties and we regularly make time to see each other. Of course I’m talking about Lora, Rachael and Sophie! This year we wanted to do something extra special and do a secret santa between the fourContinue reading “Blogger Secret Santa!”

Weekly Roundup 6/03-12/03

I’ve never done a weekly roundup before but this week has been a little busy so I decided to  sum it all up in one post. The start of the week was just like any other regular week, with university and tutoring going on but the end had some exciting blogging things going on andContinue reading “Weekly Roundup 6/03-12/03”

A Perfect Evening In Nottingham With Snizl!

Last Monday I was lucky enough to attend yet another blogging event, this month has seriously been packed full of them! The event was run by Snizl, a company that has come to Nottingham to get together with many of the fantastic companies in the city and offer exclusive deals and discounts! As a studentContinue reading “A Perfect Evening In Nottingham With Snizl!”

Intu Nottingham Bloggers Event |Blogmas Day 6

So a couple of nights ago I headed off to Intu Victoria Centre in Nottingham for a festive themed blogger event! A load of my local blogging chums were going so I was super excited to give it a go. The only thing we’d been told in advance is that we needed to bring aContinue reading “Intu Nottingham Bloggers Event |Blogmas Day 6”

RUSH Hair Salon Opening in Nottingham!

So back in October, I was lucky enough to head to the opening of the new RUSH hair salon in Nottingham! We were promised we were in for a night of treats and perhaps a little hairstyle or two so I headed along with some of my local blogging pals to see what all theContinue reading “RUSH Hair Salon Opening in Nottingham!”


Last Saturday (The 20th August FYI) I went to my first ever blogger meetup which was in Nottingham and I thought i’d share with you all how the day went and what I received in my goodie bag! The event was run by the lovely Ellie from UniqueLoveStyle and was attended by myself and six otherContinue reading “#NottsAlzheimersMeetup”