What I’ve Learned From My Degree |3 Years Are Over!

This summer marked the end of my three year degree at the University of Nottingham and it’s safe to say I’m pretty sad it’s over! You may have read my graduation post but I thought today i’d talk about what I’ve actually learned from doing my degree and whether i’d pick the same choices ifContinue reading “What I’ve Learned From My Degree |3 Years Are Over!”

Graduation Outfit of the Day & How I Found the Day!

So if you saw any of my social media last week, you might know that Friday the 14th July was the day I graduated from Nottingham University. For me it was a day that i’d looked forward to for years and was a day that almost didn’t happen as I was so determined I wasn’tContinue reading “Graduation Outfit of the Day & How I Found the Day!”

The Rose Beauty Files Turns 2!

I’ve thought for ages what I could possibly post or do to celebrate my blog turning 2 years old and I came up with nothing. Instead I thought I would try and recap the highlights of the last two years to celebrate what an immense achievement it has been and to link up some oldContinue reading “The Rose Beauty Files Turns 2!”

An Early Nottingham Fashion Week At The Beauty Temple!

I promise that this is the final Blogger Event post for this month, it’s been so much fun but really hectic – I could totally get used to the lifestyle though! This time I was invited to the Beauty Temple in Nottingham to have a sneak preview of some of the fashion trends that areContinue reading “An Early Nottingham Fashion Week At The Beauty Temple!”

A Perfect Evening In Nottingham With Snizl!

Last Monday I was lucky enough to attend yet another blogging event, this month has seriously been packed full of them! The event was run by Snizl, a company that has come to Nottingham to get together with many of the fantastic companies in the city and offer exclusive deals and discounts! As a studentContinue reading “A Perfect Evening In Nottingham With Snizl!”

10 Reasons To Apply For An Internship Now!

So you’re in your penultimate year year at uni, everything’s ticking along fine but what are you going to do after your degree is done or even this summer? This time last year I was in the same position, but I had always known I wanted to do an internship so I set about applying!Continue reading “10 Reasons To Apply For An Internship Now!”